Blackberry Fairy's PHXCC Schedule: Thursday: 4:00 to close, GC, HH, or EX Friday: 12 to close, GC Saturday: 9 am - 7pm, GC, HH, or EX, 8:30 pm to close GC Sunday: 9 am - 11:30 am HH, 12 pm - 5:00 pm GC, HH, or EX Acronym Key: GC = Game Central at the Hyatt HH = Hall of Heroes EX = Exhibition Hall All times are subject to change. I have 2 photo shoots and one appointment. I'll be helping out Magic Meeple Games in GC! 🦋 🦋 #blackberryfairy #theblackberryfairy #PHXCC #fairy #fairies #COMICON #cosplay